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Press and Reviews for BABE:



Caitlyn Alario reviews BABE for Issue 4 of Annulet Poetics


The Wardrobe’s Best Dressed: BABE by Dorothy Chan. Sundress Publications. August 2022.


Interview with Saba Keramati, Sarah Yang, and I.S. Jones at Frontier Poetry, out August 15th, 2022. Poet in the Mirror Series.


“‘BABE’ by Dorothy Chan” review in the Asian Review of Books. Susan Blumberg-Kason. July 8, 2022:


New Pages. New Book: BABE. May 12, 2022:


POETS HOUSE. Hard Hat Reading Series: Rosebud Ben-Oni reads Dorothy Chan’s “Hello Baby, Hello Sir” and her own poem “The Songs We Know Not to Talk Over” from her award-winning book If This Is the Age We End Discovery.



—Here is some recent press for Honey Literary: 




     Volume One


     Spectator News


     Chippewa Valley Writers Guild 



—Thank you to Katy Hass and New Pages for this review of "Ode to Chinese Superstitions, Haircuts, and Being a Girl" in POETRY Magazine's October 2020 issue. 



—Thank you to the wonderful Jessica Q. Stark for the shoutout of Revenge of the Asian Woman in Tarpaulin Sky Magazine! 



‘Revenge of the Asian Woman’ is a bawdy, sexy, and deliciously sensual portrait of a woman taking back her power: review by Megan Clark in Broken Pencil. 



—Diode Interviews Dorothy Chan, author of REVENGE OF THE ASIAN WOMAN. Many thanks to Chi Kyu Lee! Read the interview here



An April APA Poetry Companion: New Books for National Poetry Month from Lantern Review



Revenge of the Asian Woman was a 2020 finalist for the Lambda Literary Award in Bisexual Poetry. Check out the list of finalists here, here, and here!   




—I'm so honored “Chinese Girl Strikes Back” made Palette Poetry's Featured Favorites of 2019. Many thanks to the Benjamin Bartu, Joshua Roark, the editors, and readers!   




Respect the art, respect the craft: Dorothy Chan speaks poetry, teaching and determination” The Spectator. The University of Wisconsin-Eau Claire’s Student Newspaper Since 1923. Many thanks to Zane Klavnia!  



—I had a lot of fun talking about editorship and poetry acceptances at Hobart with Frontier Magazine. Many thanks to Editor-in-chief Joshua Roark. Read here



The University of Wisconsin – Eau Claire’s English department welcomes a new Creative Writing professor this semester, Dorothy Chan



—Rebecca Mennecke interviews me for the Chippewa Valley Writers Guild here! These are ten fun questions on Attack of the Fifty-Foot Centerfold. Thank you Becca, and thank you B.J. Hollars! 




—Thank you VOLUME ONE for this interview on Revenge of the Asian Woman: new UWEC prof brings 'poetic tsunami' to reading




—Thank you Sundress Publications and Danielle Hanson for naming Revenge of the Asian Woman The Wardrobe's Best Dressed



—Thank you to Tallahassee Democrat and CD Davidson-Hiers for interviewing me about Revenge of the Asian Woman



Erin Noehre, Associate Poetry Editor of Hayden's Ferry Review reviews Attack of the Fifty-Foot Centerfold



Too Much of a Good Thing is Wonderful,” Brian Clifton of American Literary Review interviews me. 




—Many thanks to my former student, Samantha De Oliveira and Jack Clifford for this FSU article on my leadership of The Southeast Review: “The Southeast Review's content expands under Editor-in-Chief Dorothy Chan's leadership."




2019 Forthcoming Poetry Books by Queer People of Color by Luther Hughes




—Entropy's Best of 2018: Best Poetry Books & Poetry Collections #44!  



​--Interview with Melanie Quezada of Shift: A Journal of Literary Oddities




Interview with Kristina Ortiz for Lunch Ticket's Litdish!




Miguel Soto reviews Attack of the Fifty-Foot Centerfold in Jet Fuel Review


“Food becomes crucial in many of Chan’s poems, as food is the center point for the speaker’s own realizations when it comes to how people respond to the food she presents them to, or even more simply, the celebration and joy that comes from being in the presence of familiar foods. Chan's speaker in “Ode to All My Flings Who Hated Dim Sum” assures the reader and her past “flings” that the issue is not with her cuisine, but the “flings” themselves: “these men / can’t handle the truth that this isn’t Bizarre Foods for me.”




—Interview on VIDA for Bettering American Poetry Volume 3, here!   





“A Monstrous Appetite Unleashed,” Torin Jensen reviews Attack of the Fifty-Foot Centerfold in Atticus Review!  


“That voice, born fully formed in the very first poem, confidently weaves her Chinese-American family history with roots in Hong Kong, New York, and Las Vegas with a burgeoning identity flush with appetite. That appetite, readily apparent in the first poem but from thereon continuously contoured, is multi-headed: a voracious appetite for her ancestral foods, for sex, for sexual representation, and for monstrously rejecting the bounds that white, patriarchal America attempt to place on her.”




Garnering every emotion from fear to revulsion to arousal, her debut poetry collection, Attack of the Fifty-Foot Centerfold, celebrates being awake and aware in the places where one person’s past becomes another’s present.


Stephanie Trott reviews ATTACK OF THE FIFTY-FOOT CENTERFOLD in the October 2018 issue of Split Lip Magazine! 




Can You Handle the Real Thing? Image and Magnitude in Attack of the Fifty-Foot Centerfold. Many thanks to Rachel Mindell for this review in Gertrude Press!




The Little Patuxent Review. Celebrating Past Contributors' Successes. Thank you, Andrew Hamm for this interview



Speaking of Marvels. Interviews about chapbooks, novellas, and books of assorted lengths. Attack of the Fifty-Foot Centerfold (Spork Press, 2018). Thank you, William Woolfitt for this interview!



In Bed With Dorothy Chan, Queen MobTeahouse, here




15 POEMS THAT MENTION FATHERS IN NON-SENTIMENTAL NON-TRAGIC WAYS. Thank you, Christina M. Rau of Book Riot for the shoutout! Read “Triple Sonnet for My Aggressive Forehead” here 




LYRIC ESSENTIALS: DOROTHY CHAN READS BARBARA HAMBY’S “ODE TO SIRIN.” Thank you, Anna Lys Black of The Sundress Blog for this feature 



Indie Lit Round-Up: What to Read This Weekend [Vol 2: May 11]. Thank you, Leah Angstman for the shoutout: “A friend tells me his favorite word is ‘lasagna,’ / and all I can think about is my favorite word, ‘sashimi.’” | Dorothy Chan will delight you with her foodie poem, “Ode to Lasagna,”on Berfrois



—Check out Episode 52: Richard Siken, Commonplace Podcast: Conversations with Poets (and Other People), here



—Poets Online Talking About Coffee: Interview with Russell Bennetts for Queen Mob's Teahousehere



—Take a look at my desk/writing space in this fun feature by Split Lip Magazine's blog. Thank you, Amy Rossi! Check it out, here



—Tyler Gof Barton and I talk about Chinatown Sonnets, my new work, etc. for KMSU Weekly Reader, here!  



Nix Thérèse, Contributing Editor of Platypus Press' the Wilds reviews "Triple Sonnet for My Aggressive Forehead,which is featured on, originally published in Quarterly West!



New Pages' Katy Haas reviews the Fall 2017 issue of The Boiler, here!  



—Article from Cornell University Arts and Sciences, interview  conducted by Anna Carmichael, here



—Joyce Chong, Contributing Editor of Platypus Press' the Wilds reviews 2 poems from the latest issue of The Boiler, here



Susan Nguyen, Poetry Editor of Hayden's Ferry Review reviews Chinatown Sonnetshere



—Friday Reads: June 2017 Book Review by Zack Strait for The Common, here




—Excerpt + Preamble on the Asian Review of Books, here!


       "Chinatown played a significant role in how I was raised—because Hong Kong and family was an ocean away, this was the best we could do."




—Interview with New Delta Review Interviews/Reviews editor, Raquel Thorne, here!




—Article from the Florida State University English Department, interview conducted by Jack Clifford, here!

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